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Sun and Moon and are set to be released in most of the world on November 18, 2016, commemorating the franchise's 20th anniversary, and on November 23, 2016 in Europe. Unlocks: The demo gives players access to a special level 36 “Ash-Greninja,” which is unlocked when the demo is completed, this will be transferable to the full game come November Jun 11, 2018 · Announced in June 2017, the titles are enhanced versions of Pokémon Sun and Moon with a modified storyline, similar to previous "upper versions" like Yellow, Emerald, and Platinum. The games are the second installments in the seventh generation of the main series and the last planned installment of the main series Pokémon games for Nintendo 3DS. Jan 09, 2017 · Pokemon Sun 3DS Decrypted are near at hand. The two games will be represent us to some nostalgic delights and showing us stuff we never thought possible.But while the developers are keen on taking us all by surprise on November 18, it’s been heard for Game Freak to keep a lid on the secrets of Pokemon Sun & Moon. Nov 15, 2017 · In Pokemon Ultra Sun 3DS Unlock the secret of the Legendary Necrozma’s , a RPG-Adventure game developed by Game Freak & Published by Nintendo.. Find the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala’s new Z-Moves and their baffling association with the Legendary Pokémon Necrozma.
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This is an enhanced version of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon and is the seventh generation Pokémon game. The plot of the game is similar to the original version when the player starts with his mother to move to live on the Melemele Island in Alola (based on Hawaii), where the player will start the journey to become a Pokémon trainer.